Ataturk Corner

Ataturk's Address to Youth

O Turkish Youth!

Your first duty is to defend, preserve and defend the Turkish republic, forever.

This is the sole basis of its existence and future. This foundation is your most precious treasure. Even in the future, you will have internal and external bedhahs who will want to deprive you of this treasure. One day, if you are obliged to defend the Islamic and Republican Republic, you will not think about the possibility and evil of your position in order to be put in office! This possibility and evil can manifest in a very decent nature. Enemies who will mean The Invasion and the Republic can be representatives of an unprecedented victory all over the world. With cebren and deceit, all the castles of the beloved homeland were seized, all their shipyards were entered, all their armies were disbanded and every corner of the country could have been occupied. More important and more grave than all this evil, those who have power within the country can be found in obfuscation and treason and even treason. In fact, these people in power can repent their personal interests with the political ambitions of the obsessive. People may have been devastated and devastated by the necessity.

O son of the Turkish future! That is your duty, even in this morality and evil. It is to save the Turkish Republic and Independence! The power you need is in the noble blood in your veins!

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
October 20th, 1927