It is a question that has not been answered with a single definitive description throughout human history: 'What is Art'?
Perhaps we should approach the question from a different angle and seek the answer to 'Who is an artist' before examining what art is.
Because art is not a concept that emerged spontaneously.
First the 'Artists' came into existence. Later, the works they imagined, thought, designed, produced and created were evaluated as 'Art'.
That's why we first have the courage to ask, "Who is the artist?" Our answer is clear:
It is the one who thinks, watches, listens, questions, thinks about what humanity, being human and life means, sees the facts, is aware of their responsibilities to society and can express their feelings and thoughts in an aesthetic way.
Realizing an artist's responsibilities requires very meticulous and deep work.
Of course, the responsibility of educational institutions that set out to make their students love art, to explain and teach them and to instill in their students to look at their lives through the eyes of artists requires a very meticulous and deep work.
TED Izmir College Art Academy is an art institution that has emerged from within the deep-rooted educational understanding of the Turkish Education Association by adopting exactly this philosophy of thought.
We are implementing our Art Academy program, which we carry out with our experienced teachers who have received professional training in their fields, with a different and enriched content in our second semester.
- Instrument Trainings,
- Drama Works,
- Our Visual Arts Workshops,
- PSP (Pre-school Prodigies) Preschool Music Education,
Sanat Akademisi Koordinatörlüğü
2024 - 2025 Sanat Akademisi Görsel Sanatlar Branş Programına ulaşmak için tıklayınız.
2024 - 2025 Sanat Akademisi Bilişim Branş Programına ulaşmak için tıklayınız.
2024 - 2025 Sanat Akademisi Müzik-Enstrüman Branş Programına ulaşmak için tıklayınız.