Preschool PDR Studies
Guidance and psychological counseling services in preschool; it is carried out in order to get to know the child, socialize, develop self-confidence, discover its limits, adapt to school, develop a positive attitude towards school and learning, and gain awareness about its talents and interests.
Studies for Our Students
Orientation studies: For our students who meet the concept of school for the first time, adaptation activities are planned in accordance with their development levels.
Recognition studies: Studies aimed at getting to know students with both individual studies and in-class crops and observations.
Values Training: It is aimed to support the social and emotional development of our students and to strengthen the human side. Studies on two different values are carried out annually and various activities, games, presentations are tried to be internalized. Privacy Training : It is a study to recognize the limits of children in the development process of himself, his body and his private areas, as well as himself and other people. Individual student interviews: In order to get to know our students better and to meet the subjects needed, they are interviews. Primary school readiness assessments: Evaluation of students in terms of physical development (large muscle i fine motor muscle development), social - emotional development, cognitive development, language development and self-care skills. Studies for Our Parents Orientation: They are information about the process and the work to be done that awaits our students and parents during the school process. Individual interviews: School-family integrity to get to know our students is the conversations in which we follow and support the development of the student. Parent Information Bulletins: Development Period Features, Technology Usage, etc. are information bulletins prepared on topics. CHATD: Activities with expert guests on the subjects needed.