P4C is a training method that combines co-thinking and creating an extra environment for individual thinking. It is not a pedagogy that teaches philosophical trends, but an investigation that gives the ability to think multidimensionally.
In P4C education, students work with concepts. He freely questions thoughts and judgments without waiting for any answers and without the obligation to reach conclusions. Students who are aware that there is a community, not a classroom, in the P4C educational environment discover ways to express their thoughts by thinking individually and together.
P4C education at TED Izmir College; In kindergarten K2 and K3 groups, the branch course is taught as a methodology in the lessons in primary school.
In the P4C courses, where we aim to develop our students' self-expression, confidence in their own thoughts, listening effectively, respecting the thoughts of others, speaking in the language of self, establishing emotional connection, and discussion, our students are able to raise individuals with developed self-esteem, self-esteem, empathy and multidimensional thinking skills.
TED Izmir College aims to lead the way by creating environmental awareness within the scope of maritime activities. It has anchored a new formation worthy of a port city. Our school started education on October 18, 2017 by cooperating with the Chamber of Maritime Commerce within the scope of the "Marine Student Training Project". It aims to develop maritime culture at all levels, to spread maritime customs and traditions, to maximize students' love and interest in maritime, and to achieve success at national and international levels.
At the private TÜDEV Çeşme Yacht Captaincy Training Center; seafaring trainings, basic navigation, deck and machinery trainings, bridge simulator training and one sail / motor boat practical sea training, first aid training, fire prevention and fire fighting basic training, life saving vehicles personal survival techniques at sea training are provided.
TED İzmir Koleji İlkokulu çağın en büyük sorunlarından olan çevre problemlerine farkındalık oluşturmak adına Eco-school programında yer almaktadır. Eco- school öğrencilerde çevre bilinci, çevre yönetimi ve sürdürülebilir bir kalkınma kazanımlarını benimsetmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu projede çevre gezileri düzenlenmekte, çevre temizliği yapılmakta ve okul içi etkinlikler düzenlenmektedir. İlkokul seviyesinde iki sene çöp ve atık konuları çalışıldıktan sonra uluslararası düzeyde geçerliliği olan, yeşil bayrak ödülü alınmıştır. Geçen yıl ki gibi bu yıl da enerji konuları ile ilgili çalışılmaktadır.


Creative thinking, reading and writing; It is an educational program that aims to improve the language and thinking skills of our children who are eager to learn at any time, who constantly think, feel and dream, and to use them at the highest level. Our aim; not only to train writers, but also to raise individuals who can think and express this in writing by using their creative power.

In Y-DOY education, students' language usage styles, creativity and abstraction skills develop. Creativity is to be able to make connections between objects or thoughts that are seen as completely different, to realize the problem by seeing what the majority cannot see and to find different solutions, to get rid of rote and uniform thinking systems and to create original contents. Creative thinking; fluency, flexibility, originality and enrichment ability in thinking skills.

With Y-DOY Education, our students;

  • To learn critical and creative, qualified thinking,
  • Develop their problem-solving skills,
  • To improve their learning and communication skills,
  • Gain the ability to express their thoughts, feelings and plans in the most accurate and impressive way,
  • To be productive,
  • Gain the ability to edit,
  • It is aimed that they love to read and write, develop a sense of empathy and multidimensional thinking skills.